some commonly asked questions

Why spend the money on a Dietitian consultation?
Working with a Dietitian is an opportunity to make a long-term investment in your health. You will be provided with thorough education and practical strategies which you can implement immediately. Achieve your health goals, minimise your risk of future ill-health and gain clarity around your nutrition & health, to serve you now and your future.

Will I have to overhaul my entire lifestyle?
Not at all. My approach is centred on sustainable strategies. I work with you to determine areas which you are willing to change and provide guidance on strategies which will get you the biggest bang for you buck when it comes to achieving your goals.

Do I need to have my weight taken?
Absolutely not. There are many metrics which can be used to measure progress and health outcomes.
We will decide together the most appropriate way to track your progress.

Will I have to follow a meal plan?
Not at all! We will work together to select the most appropriate and sustainable strategies for you. A meal plan is simply one tool within a Dietitian’s toolbox, but is not the right approach for everyone.

Are private health rebates available?
Dietitian consultations are available for private health rebates where an individual has the relevant level of cover. The specific amount covered by the health fund will differ depending on your level of cover. Quotes can be provided by your health fund.

Do I need a referral to see a Dietitian?
A referral is not required to make a booking with a Dietitian. Referrals are only required for Medicare plans from GPs.

Do you see Medicare referrals?
Yes! Medicare referrals from all GPs are accepted. These are available for both online and in-person consultations.