performance nutrition

are you an athlete or active individual who wants to…

  • unleash more energy & performance potential?

  • accelerate your recovery and reduce muscle soreness?

  • improve your strength, power & endurance?

  • ditch the training week fatigue?

  • reach your performance goals quicker?

  • improve your concentration & reduce brain fog?

  • feel satisfied across the day?

You’ve come to the right place!
Nutrition is the fundamental key that unlocks optimal and ensures you stay healthy through your training.

Our bodies are like race cars, we need fuel to move.

The further, faster and more powerfully we move, the more fuel we use and the more fuel that is required.

Optimal performance, requires top quality fuel & the right type of fuel, at the right time.

here’s how athletes can work with caity

individual performance nutrition consultations

Individual consultations provide an opportunity for a detailed assessment of your training goals, nutrition routine and lifestyle.
During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to work with Caity to determine the best plan of action to achieve those goals.

Included within these sessions are a range of:

  • Healthy eating guides & resources and

  • Sports nutrition resources (including recipes & snack suggestions to fuel performance).

  • Individualised event or game day eating plans.

These sessions are for you if you are after a highly individualised approach and the most effective plan for you. The first step is to get booked in for an initial consultation, during which Caity will work with you to plan follow ups as required. To learn more about one-on-one consultations, click here or make a booking enquiry.

performance meal guides

When working towards specific performance goals, managing nutrition can feel overwhelming - particularly when it comes to selecting, planning and preparing meals and snacks to fuel your training week.

Meal guides are a great option help model optimal nutrition to support your physical & mental health, whilst achieving your performance or body composition goals.
Our individualised meal guides are carefully created to achieve your goals, whilst working within your schedule requirements, food preferences and available budget.

Performance meal guides are available in the following formats:

  • Individualised meal guide, created following an initial one-on-one consultation. Meal guide includes:

    • Recipes, snack and brand suggestions provided.

    • Option for 4 or 7 day meal guide - categorised based on types of training days (e.g. low, moderate, high).

    • Interactive document, which can be adjusted or updated on request (or at follow up consultation).

  • Pre-prepared meal guide, designed to model intake across different training days.

    • This is not individually tailored to your preferences or goals, however does not require a consultation prior to purchase.

    • Meal guides are selected from a data-base of guides, based on your specified performance or body composition goals

    • This is a great option if you are working within a smaller budget or aren’t quite ready to seek one-on-one support.

    • This is also perfect for individuals who feel confident in their nutrition, but would like additional ideas for meals and snacks!

sports groups & teams

Nutrition is a critical component for optimal physical performance, whether that be for those exercising for health and wellness, weekend warriors or elite athletes. I work with sporting organisations to deliver nutrition programs adapted and delivered in a way which meets the needs of the group & the athletes to ensure they achieve the most impactful results from their training.

As the provider of performance nutrition services for professional teams such as the Cronulla Sharks NRL and NRLW, Giants Academy Netball, and the Australian Fencing Federation, I've seen firsthand, the power of nutrition, in getting the best from athletes. I have also had the pleasure of working with numerous sub-elite and local sports teams, empowering their athletes with the nutrition knowledge & tools for optimal performance.

By investing in nutrition, athletes can optimise their training, enhance recovery, and ultimately achieve their full potential on the field, court, or track. Don't overlook the

Nutrition isn’t just a game-changer, but a competitive advantage that can fuel your team's journey to victory.

How Caity can support your group or team.

  • Workshops and seminars - designed to educate and encourage athletes to priorities nutrition, with tangible strategies for achieving optimal performance.

  • Sports team consultation (of all levels) - including pre, mid and post-season support for athletes.

  • Resource development - including sports nutrition e-books, recipes and meal guides.

  • Body composition analysis - including team screening and skin fold profiles.